Linggo, Agosto 7, 2016

Duterte vows government for the 'helpless, hopeless, defenseless'

Rodrigo Duterte, the Philippines's next leader, attends his last flag ceremony as mayor of Davao City on Monday, June 27, 2016. / AJ Bolando

MANILA, Philippines — President-elect Rodrigo Duterte on Monday vowed a government that would be compassionate to the "helpless, hopeless and the defenseless" but harsh on the corrupt, criminals and wrongdoers.
Duterte, who anchored his campaign on fighting crime and promoting inclusive growth, said he would strive to meet the expectations of the 16.6 million people who voted for him.
"My government is for the helpless, hopeless, and the defenseless. Those are the words of my father. I just borrowed it from him," the incoming president said after the flag ceremony at the Davao City Hall.
"I’ll be harsh to criminals and strict to wrongdoers. But you will find something in me especially those who are hopeless, helpless, and defenseless," he added.
Duterte's father Vicente used to be the governor of Davao and was a Cabinet member of former President Ferdinand Marcos.
Duterte acknowledged that not everyone agrees with his style. He noted that he has been at odds with the Commission on Human Rights and the Roman Catholic Church due to his stand on issues like death penalty. Duterte, however, said he would not mind his critics as long as he is doing the right thing.

"I do the very best I can and I mean to keep doing so until the end," he said.
"If the end brings me out all right, what is said against me would not amount to anything. But if the end brings me out wrong, ten angels of God swearing I was right would make no difference," he added.
Duterte's designated officials previously said that the next administration aims to lift nine million Filipinos from poverty by promoting countryside development and by investing in agriculture and infrastructure. The incoming administration also aims to wage a ruthless war against illegal drugs and crime to lure more job-generating investments.
Duterte, who won by a landslide despite his gutter language and provocative statements, encouraged the public to help his government attain its objectives. 
"To those who want to help the government, now is the time to do it. If you really want a government that is good, we're trying to make up something goof for the next generation," he said.
"But as I said, do not destroy our children. I will kill you... That's what I will do."
Duterte stressed that he would not condone any form of corruption under his administration.

"I'm hell-bent in stopping corruption. You will not get help from me if you are in government and you commit corruption," he said.
"There will be no corruption just like here (in Davao City). If Cabinet secretaries make money through corruption, I'll ask them to just go.
Duterte said he is ready to step down if it is proven that his administration stole from government coffers.
"If you saw something stolen, even if it is just one peso, I'll not only admit it. I will resign," the next Philippine leader said.

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